“Buttonwood Marketing’s work (both internal and external communications) in promoting sustainability initiatives was recognised in the 2010 national Environment and Energy Awards, winning ‘Best Sustainability Communications Campaign.’ Click here for more information
What customers say about Buttonwood Marketing

The Environment and Energy Awards
We believe that the reason behind Buttonwood’s success is the quality of their writing and the technical understanding that their Graham Meller, in particular, has. As a consequence, we do not have to spend long periods of time educating him. Better still, when he sends us draft text; all we usually have to do is reply saying “That’s great Graham, thanks!”
We also know that Graham’s writing is appreciated by editors and journalists, and this is clear from the high levels of publicity that Buttonwood Marketing achieves on our behalf.
Air Monitors & Envirologger
“Buttonwood Marketing was responsible for our PR from 2011 until the recent sale. During this time we were delighted with the communication activities that were conducted. Press Releases and articles ensured that we retained a high profile in the media, and eNewsletters helped to communicate quickly and effectively. We launched a number of exciting technologies, and Buttonwood’s experience in our markets helped to ensure that we made the most of these opportunities.”
Gasmet Europe Oy
“Buttonwood Marketing delivers highly effective marketing assistance including PR, advertising, digital marketing, pay-per-click, etc. This service was delivered for Gasmet Technologies from 2012 to 2018. The work has included the creation and publication of success stories and cases studies that highlight the many advantages of FTIR and our other monitoring technologies. Buttonwood has also managed our advertising programme and email marketing campaigns; all of which helped to stimulate new business and raise Gasmet’s profile around the world.”
“Buttonwood Marketing Limited was responsible for HACH LANGE PR in the UK for ten years and anyone with an interest in water quality, level or flow will confirm that our products were given a consistently high profile in all appropriate media. Buttonwood has been able to give our new products a high level of exposure and has researched and created case studies that demonstrate the high levels of customer satisfaction that we achieve. We have been consistently delighted with the quality of work from Buttonwood which, we believe, is a result of the depth of technical and industry knowledge that they have.”
International LabMate
“By definition, the subject matter of our publication is technical and scientific, so the editorial submissions that we accept have to be accurate and technically correct. For this reason, we have worked closely with Buttonwood Marketing for many years. Our writers need to have a comprehensive understanding of the analytical sector and Buttonwood Marketing is a regular contributor because they are able to write technical articles in a clear and concise manner that appeals to our readers.”
International Environmental Technology
“We have worked with Buttonwood Marketing for over ten years and we value the quality of their editorial very highly. The articles that they provide are always very well written, highly engaging and pertinent to the readers of International Environmental Technology. Latterly, Graham Meller has also recorded insightful video interviews with leading experts in environmental monitoring to expand the appeal and educational aspects of our conferences, exhibitions and websites.”
Ashtead Technology
“Buttonwood Marketing has been responsible for the generation of case studies and PR since 2004. Since that time Buttonwood’s deep understanding of our technologies, markets and USPs has helped to ensure that our marketing communications have been extremely effective.”
Medical Developments
“We have a growth strategy in Europe that encompasses our range of products for improving respiratory care – space chambers for the delivery of asthma and COPD medication, portable nebulisers and pulse oximeters. Buttonwood Marketing has become an integral component of our marketing activity, helping us to produce high quality PR, editorial, website development, telemarketing and email marketing.”
OTT Hydromet
“We have used Buttonwood Marketing for over 14 years to create news releases, case studies and articles. Buttonwood Marketing provides us with an authoritative, innovative, reliable marketing service, generating news material that is attractive to the media and to our target groups, and I am happy to recommend them.”