Ambient monitoring will never be the same again…
It is fitting that AQE 2013 has been themed ‘2013 Year of Air‘ because Jim Mills, Managing Director of Air Monitors Ltd, says “We will be launching game-changing new technologies at this event which will significantly improve the way in which air quality is monitored.”
Traditionally, ambient air quality has been monitored by networks of large monitoring stations that are costly to purchase and operate. In many instances these installations require planning permission, so it is not always possible to locate them in the ideal position. However, Air Monitors will launch a new battery operated technology that provides good quality reliable data in a monitor that can be easily mounted on any lamp post.
Jim says “The main advantages of this technology, known as AQMesh, are that it can be positioned almost anywhere, and therefore provides cost-effective data that are complementary to existing networks; improving spatial coverage and enhancing models. This will help ensure that readings are more representative of the air that people breathe.”
Air Monitors will also launch a further technology that will substantially improve the value of ambient particulate monitoring. The FIDAS (Fine Dust Analysis System) complements existing PM monitoring technology such as the FDMS (which has recently passed TUV tests proving EU equivalence for PM10 and PM2.5) by offering additional information on particle size distribution from 0.18 – 30 microns and particle number in each size range. It also provides continuous real-time simultaneous mass concentration measurements of TSP, PM1, PM2.5 and PM10. The instrument does not require consumables and does not need to be housed in an air-conditioned housing, further reducing operational costs and simplifying installation.
These new technologies and others will feature on the Air Monitors stands (26 & 33) at the entrance to AQE2013.
Note to Editors:
Based in the UK, Air Monitors is an independent, privately owned company representing some of the world’s leading environmental monitoring technology manufacturers. Providing monitoring solutions which encompass the very best products, technology and services, Air Monitors offers technical support, maintenance, calibration, operation, analysis and reporting services in addition to the sale or hire of monitoring equipment. Typical applications include the monitoring of particulate matter and gaseous pollutants in both workplace and ambient air.
Contact details:
Air Monitors Limited
Unit 1 Bredon Court
Brockeridge Park, Twyning
Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire
GL20 6FF. U.K.
Tel: +44 (0) 1684 857530
Fax: +44 (0) 1242 292028
Air Monitors web site